
Cyber Security Information

Cyber security is a topic that was once only for those involved in computer security - either IT professionals or computer enthusiasts. But now most people have heard the term cyber security. The average consumer will be the victim of a data privacy breach at least once each year!

A quick look a screenshot of a Google Trends chart, shows that people are becoming more and more concerned about cyber security. Over the past five years, the number of internet searches is clearly increasing.

Anyone with a credit card, bank account, or another type of consumer account can expect to have one of their accounts hacked each and every year!  Hackers don't need to obtain the physical card to get at  bank account information. Hackers can life carrd data from open WiFi connections, RFID readers, by hacking an email account or by using social engineering.

This is why it is important to keep an eye on all of your consumer accounts. Although many banks employee savvy algorithms to detect fraud the second it happens, it is still up to the consumer to be the front line of defense against data hackers.


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